
Whether you want to buy machinery or livestock, pay costly debts, pay your workers, renovate your business premise or for any other business needs , you can avail a mortgage loan. This product is for clients who want a higher loan or for longer tenure and are willing to mortgage their property.

Features and Benefits

Loan amount between ₹ 0.10 million to ₹1.50 million
Tenure of 48 months to 180 months
Mortgage Loans Fully secured against property collateral (mostly self-owned residences or self-owned business premises) and a contract of hypothecation of working assets, finished goods and machinery

You should be an Indian citizen in the age group of 18-59 years
Business stability of 3 years.
Permanence of business location of 3 years.

Fees and Charges
Processing Fees – 2% + GST
Bounce Charges – Rs 500 (inclusive of taxes)
Late Payment Charges – Rs 200 per month (inclusive of taxes)
Foreclosure Charges – As applicable
Legal and Technical Charges – As applicable